Career Coaching

Right now, does your career look as you had imagined it would?

Whether you are trapped in an increasingly busy job with no exit strategy, are facing redundancy, or if your promotion has left you frantic in navigating your first 100 days, then Daemon Career Coach can support you. Perhaps, having committed to a new career path or business venture, you are wondering why it’s not working out, and you need someone to accompany you whilst you action the career you have a passion for.  

I can enable you to achieve what You want.

The Six-Month Career Coaching One-to-One Provision

 Navigating your career change, promotion, redundancy, or your exit strategy with elegance and grace. 

You have been working your way up in the corporate world into your leadership role. You may feel you ended up there by mistake. The thought of stepping away from all that is familiar is frightening because you have been there a long time. However, things have changed –  You are ALL about The Relationships and you thrive on supporting others to be the best they can be. You love making yourself available. You thrive on your professional network, on being in the team, and on bouncing ideas around between people. Now, you are finding it hard to support your team in the way they need and deserve. You are also finding that your network is dissolving, and you feel somewhat alone. Alone, you overthink and traumatise yourself with ‘what-ifs’ and catastrophising. You are realising you may have a values conflict with the organisation. You want to be doing work that matters. You are not quite sure how you ended up working for a big chain – Thus far, it is your interest in the people that has kept you in situ.

You are thinking, “What Now?”

You want to be able to affect change at work. They want to be able to support your team authentically. You want some recompense over and above money for all that they do. You want to be doing work that matters, and you want to be doing it well. You want the support of your seniors. You want a better work-life balance, and you want to feel satisfied when you leave work at the end of each day.

This Career Transitions Start-up Coaching includes Six months of bespoke support: Firstly, there will be Six 90-minute, one-to-one coaching sessions whilst we design your working document, which we will design together and contribute to throughout the process. There will be a series of bespoke interventions designed especially for you to help you identify your career path and dissolve resistance.

Then, there will be 60-minute bi-monthly mentoring sessions to help you navigate your next steps. These sessions will keep you on track, create accountability, and serve as a container within which we can continue refining your five or ten-year plan together. 

There will be access to ongoing email support during our work together and a coach to walk alongside you on this journey for the duration of this period. You do not have to take this journey alone. 

What You Will Get By the time we have completed this work. You will have created your business plan mapping your career pathway to your vision. You will know what you want to do professionally. You will know what you bring to this endeavour. You will know exactly who has got your back. And, you will know WHY you want to do this. And this comes with a good dose of built-in accountability and support. 

It is time to redesign your professional route map. 

The Cost


“Rebecca has the ability to pull out the threads of something that, if I am really honest with myself, I know to be there, but that I have never dared to voice before.” 

Matt Payne


The Three Month Career Coaching One-to-One Provision

Navigating your career change, promotion, redundancy or your exit strategy with elegance and grace.

This is for those of you who know they you to take your power back. You may have an entrepreneurial streak, or you may have ended up in a career in a cul-de-sac. A dead-end where you are wondering exactly what impact you are having. You thrive working with “new” and innovation. You can see clearly what doesn’t work. You are a systemic thinker. What you need to do is define Your passion. You need the capture your self-belief and recognise all you have gained in the past decade of working for others. As yet, you have no idea of the brilliance you bring – you assume everyone sees the world as they do.

You need space to hear yourself. You need mirroring so that you can begin to believe in yourself. You need clarity of purpose. You also need accountability to make it manifest in the right role or sector.

This Career Transitions Start-up Coaching includes Three months of bespoke support: Six 90-minute, one-to-one coaching sessions. Our working document, which we will design together and contribute to throughout the process. A series of interventions designed especially for you in order to identify your career path and dissolve your resistance. Access to ongoing email support during our work together and a coach to walk alongside you on this journey for the duration of this period.

Let’s Design this together.

The Cost 


“You are amazing. The work you do is amazing. I am in awe of how you hold this process and how you have the energy to keep carrying, doubtless, all your clients forward. Thank you”

Rebecca M, Founder of Ridley Writes 


book your call

I do not have your answers, but I do have your questions.

Together, we shall design your career pathway.

I am …..

…..driven, energetic, and dynamic. I am brave enough to shine a light in dark places to discover a real career path. I am versatile and eclectic. I have engaged with a wide variety of roles and thus have a wealth and breadth of understanding and empathy to draw on. I can rise above the status quo to take a broader, richer view. I am a ‘whirling dervish of a coach who will spin you right round, flinging all the doors of opportunity wide open before you. 

YOU will …..

… challenged and encouraged to look within. You learn to listen to yourself. You will learn to trust yourself. You will leave our sessions with the courage of your convictions. You will be free to engage with the authentic, honourable, valuable, and purposeful career You deserve.

We shall …..

…..harness your core values, your transferable skills, your courage, and all your experience. We will work together to identify your new career path. Together we will plot your route map so you know how to make your career choices become real.

I know we can make this happen for you.

“That five-year plan was so liberating! It’s like that is what I was born to do! It doesn’t stop there; there is more to do. This can really happen when you put yourself in the right place. Now, it feels that my ambition is not that far away. It feels there is the time to do it and that it is really possible.”

Claudia Lock Founder of Claudia

Purposeful Professional Development.

Career coaching gives you time by holding a reflective space in order that you can:

Choose to set down those things that no longer serve you.

Harness those things that you want to take forward.

Choose exactly how you wish the next bit to look.

 Together, we can make this happen.

“Our coaching work helped a great deal in identifying my transferable skills and strengths. Additionally, you provided much-needed support during a very stressful time. You brought great empathy, generosity, and patience, bearing with me on my frantic zigzagging through options.”

Ellen Szeide

Career Coaching

This work gives me absolute joy, and that is not a word I EVER thought I would use regarding my professional world. I have learned that it really IS possible to want to go to work, to want to work on all levels of the business and to really adore face-to-face coaching. This has been an absolute revelation to me. Now, in turn, I get the chance, daily, to help others find their own joy and share their professional revelations, too. This is certainly not an easy journey, but it will change your life. Wanna Play? Rebecca Hartnell 

Rebecca Hartnell. “The Daemon® Career Coach”

career coach

“Possible Selves and Career Transition: It’s Who You Want to Be, Not What You Want to Do.”

Plimmer & Schmidt

career coaching

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