Career Coaching Bristol City is bespoke because this is a growing city, Bristol is outstripping average UK growth at 6.8% by a further 3.2 % at a full 10%. This means people are headed towards Bristol as a destination for life and business. This means Bristols is a vibrant city. Dubbed ‘little London” by some, […]
What is the Career Coaching Cost? — Well, MORE IMPORTANTLY What does it cost NOT to? If we keep doing the same things then we will get the same outcome and to believe otherwise, counts as insanity And yet we still do it? WHY? Because as much as we say “We Embrace Change” most of […]
The career coaching process is more complex than it looks AND, this process has a fluidity about it that means it almost happens naturally, effortlessly. As the coach I am consciously guiding you through a series of steps that will enable you to find you professional purpose “THIS is The Knowledge, Experience, and the Attributes […]
The Career Coaching Process is more complex than it looks. — This process has fluidity when done well, which means it almost happens naturally and effortlessly. “you deserve to know your next professional purpose because this information enables you to move swiftly and with agility, body-swerving things that might get in your way.” As the […]
Career Coaching: Are You Insane? This is a genuine question because, you see, when we keep doing the same thing and we expect a different outcome, this is the definition of insanity. So, are you insane? Are you repeating EXACTLY the same behaviours at work and wondering why you hate it? And why you hate […]
What career coaching services do you seek? — And, do you know what services are available?
When I want to work with ‘an expert’ I generally want to do so in person. Why? Because then I can gather ALL the wisdom that they bring. — With us career coaches in Bristol, there a wise spectrum these days types of provision. . “My expertise lies in being Cross-Sector” There are sector specific […]
If I were to share the most powerful career coaching tips, it would be these two: FIRSTLY, value what you already have. And SECONDLY, quit trying to work this stuff alone. “How can we expect what we bring to be valued when we fail to value it ourselves?” Valuing what you already have Makes You […]
Prime Video in Career Coaching has a place. However, whilst it really Doesn’t matter what platform Career Coaching takes place on – Prime Video is probably one of the least effective. Why? — Because it’s not responsive — We can all access pre-recorded, generic content and it will partially achieve what you want. HOWEVER, all […]
This career coaching journey is cyclical like the weather and can be stormy at times. Once we embark on the jouney we surrender some control of the process as we travel together. “You DESERVE the be freed of the obstables that are getting in your way.” This work takes courage –-BUT, let’s be honest, nobody […]