“Career Coach Near Me”
To be effective, does this work need to be done by a “career coach near me”?
Honestly, absolutely not!
“The Relationship is the crucible within which The Work gets done”
I work with people on the other side of the world, which remains impactful.
I coach teams internationally with delegates in Ontario, Bangkok, Perth, the UK, and Bangalore.
It works. And it works brilliantly.
“Career Coach Near Me”
No way does it need to be a “career coach near me.”
The Relationship is the crucible within which The Work gets done. — The Relationship remains as powerful over Zoom as it feels in the room.
International businesses are experiencing high growth due to this work despite (or to spite?) the current global economic landscape.
There are humans all over the world who are stepping off their familiar trajectory to pursue work they really care about.
When individuals, teams, and businesses engage with purpose-led work, does that have to be a balm for the ills of the world?
The potency of this work translates genuinely internationally.
If you need help finding YOUR “Thing” career-wise, if you are ready to step up and do what you are really here to do . . .
You can find me