Career Coaching: The Default Diary. this is “Handy business survival tip 2357”, courtesy of Mr Adam Brooks here at The Sales Academy Today I got let down. Today, my fourth client of five didn’t show up. In the past, has the fourth client of five not shown up, I’d have been fuming…. Today, quite frankly, I […]
The Daemon Career Coach is currently on Vacation. She resumes her daily blog on Tueday 28th June. In the meantimes I hope you have a fabulous week! Rebecca.
Once we have set our intention, it’s no bad thing to hone in on the details.To focus on sweating the small stuff does serve a purpose, if we use it in the right way, at the right time. Firstly it ensures that the business, work, or service we provide is of the high standard we […]
One of the points up for consideration at a meeting this week was ‘are you hanging out with the right people?’. I suspect that last time that question was asked of me I may well have been in my late teens, it may well is a been posed by my parents, and I may well […]
I’m feeling curious about the British career landscape. I am noticing a real gap for a certain band of people. Whilst I will be making generalisations in this blog I do think they resonate with some truths. With the loss of the career for life, and as a direct result of the recession, there comes […]