Back To School

Back to school—Not just for kids, the beginning of the autumn term profoundly affects the energies of work and business.
With much of the workforce taking annual leave at some point between July and September, major decisions will have been put on hold. Conversely, some major decisions will have been either swept under the carpet or hurried on through whilst nobody is looking. — Familiar? Then, keep your eyes open.
“Spending increasing amounts of your weekend dreading Monday morning is no kind of existence.”
Many people will have been pretty distracted as they try to navigate the needs of their professional and home lives while coordinating kids and work over the summer.

Back To School

And, the time is coming when familiar routines can reassert themselves. And collectively, there may be an exhale of relief.
Following that, there may be a deep recognition that fully committing to work is still not right for you. It will drain you of your valuable resources, and in the long run, it could have you stuck in situ for a long time . . .

And now, there’s time and space to explore the possibilities.

Lying awake at night worrying about your next professional move changes nothing.
Spending increasing amounts of your weekend dreading Monday morning is no kind of existence.

Come and work with me, and we can explore together productively.

Back to school – not just for kids, huh????

You’ll find me
