
Facebook: Can Facebook help with my next Career move?

Hell Yeah!

I know it’s ’not A business platform’, and so it ‘doesn’t count.’ — AND, here’s a thought

If you look at the professional roles of the people you’ve known for decades, they might be EXACTLY the people you need now.

Yep! The people you raved with back in the day are more than likely the visionaries who have a mission to bring to the business landscape, and YOU might be the person they need now.
The person you learned to swim with at pre-school might now be the CEO or, at the very least, in a director position and is in more than a good position to put a word in on your behalf.
What we often forget is that the person we have long known and have a laugh with today is also a contributor to the professional world. We have forgotten to note (and file in our heads) the professional position they occupy now.


I have an exercise I could share. It’s called “The transaction exercise”, and it’s powerful. Do contact me rebecca@deamoncareercoach.co.uk if you would like a copy.


Reposition these people in your psyche, and YOU might have precisely what BOTH of you need.
Quit running around on LinkedIn and seeking new connections for a short time. Sink back into the connections you already have and see what riches lie in there.
“Never mix business and pleasure,” Anon.
Bullshit, says I. — contract well, and you can protect the longevity of your friendship AND be mutually beneficial, professionally.

And, if you need a little assistance, explore WHAT you want to do . . . 

You can find me