Work Worries? 

So, you have a worry…. Now, what to do with it? It took me 26 years to work out what to do with my worries. As an introverted child in a tense household, the last thing I would ever do is tell anyone of my fear.As a contorted teenager, I converted my worries like gems, wrapping […]

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Working To Your Higest Potential.

What amazes me when working with clients is how very blind they can be regarding owning their skills, capabilities and general brilliances. This is not confined to any particular gender or business sector, payscale or seniority, people are just pretty blind to depth and breadth of talent that they bring to their roles, their own […]

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Trying on a new professional identity.

As a coach and as a business woman I can see the benefit, or even the need, to try on different professional identities. What in my late twenties or early thirties had felt like a series of career ‘disasters’, of jobs that did not last, or career pathways that disappointed, have actually been really, really […]

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Authentic Working.

The lovely thing about being a coach is that I genuinely want to help. I want to help even if the work is not in the coaching remit right now…. I will always endeavour to assist a client to find what they really need. This frequently involves accessing my network of providers that have differing […]

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Where Do Your Professional Boundaries Lie?

Adjusting your professional boundaries is always going to be a work in progress. Sometimes we suddenly realise we are being leeched left, right and centre. I know that for me, when I want to throw my toys out of my pram and run away from all of it, I actually need to reel lots of things in, […]

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Are You An Active Personality Type Who is Feeling Overburdened At Work?

Put simply I see two personality types in my work; there’s the Active type and the Passive type. Both of these are equal but different in their modus operandi, and both have their uses in the world. Used well and these two types complement each other. Whilst the first type can anticipate difficulties ahead and take […]

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