Career Coaching: Tell Me I’m Wrong: Agreeing on how to work together as “Coach and Coachee” is really important, and it’s a movable feast – you and I might have done a really intense piece of work together five years ago… And if you return to do some further work, we will inevitably have both changed, […]
Career Coaching: Despair — A client came to me saying these words: I despise the senior leadership team. What do I do? . She was distressed . She had worked with the organisation for well over two decades. . She had risen from a Saturday girl to a really senior position. . A new CEO had […]
Career Coaching: Rebellion — I broke my own bloody rules (AGAIN!!!) In April of this year, I carved out a new ‘default diary” to protect my sanity. I closed the doors of the business to new clients: Taking part in a research PhD had shown me that I was seriously burning out trying to launch my […]
Why is Career Coaching Important? — Good question. If, like me, you can turn your hand to just about anything. And yet you don’t feel that you have found YOUR thing… If, like me, you have wandered along your career pathway doing what you ‘should’ and what others have guided you towards doing…. If like me […]
Career Coaching: Rebellion On asking my clients what they most feared about engaging with career coaching, more than one responded with the words. “ My fear was That I would be told what to do!!!!” Nope! That REALLY isn’t gonna happen. And there are a multitude of reasons for this: Firstly, my Mum was a head […]
Career Coaching: Are You “Quiet Quitting”? “Quiet quitting is a term for when workers only do the job that they are being paid to do, without taking on further tasks or responsibilities, and data has highlighted employees are working on average an additional 3.98 hours a week, opening up the discussion of what employers can […]