How To Switch Career at 40 

It’s easy – what you do if you want to know how to switch career at 40 (or any age, for that matter) is to take a good look at your PAST.
Well, it might seem unconventional BUT, it is Your best way of discovering YOUR steps forward,
When you look at your past, you can see what work environments DID work for you and weed out those that didn’t
You can examine the behaviours that enthused you and jettison those that didn’t
You can identify ALL the skills, knowledge, and personal attributes you gained during the past couple of decades.
And THEN, you can choose where to apply those going forward.

How To Switch Career at 40 

You have SO much more wisdom now  — however, it is only by looking backwards, just in short sharp hits, that you will be able to see and capture ALL of that.
THEN you will know what it is you are bringing to your professional future
Combine that with Your WHY, and the next steps will suddenly become VERY clear.
And, if all that seems a bit much – let’s talk. It’s easy when someone holds space for you to do this work.

Let’s capitalise on all you already have.

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