Rebecca Hartnell, Career Coach, Bristol

Listen To Yourself

With our western-style, cerebral-centred education here in the UK, many of us have lost touch with our intuition. It’s not that we don’t hear it…… And sometimes our intuition really is ‘shouting’, it is that we have learned to override it. We use our heads, our logic and our thinking, in order to ignore what we are […]

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Rebecca Hartnell, Career Coach, Bristol

Shouldering The Mantle ….?

In relationships, be they professional or personal we tend to fall into roles but sometimes get stuck with them.  Equally with the squeezing of budgets on the professional front comes a shift in the type and number of responsibilities we might each carry. Because these changes are forced upon us from the outside world, as […]

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Rebecca Hartnell, Career Coach, Bristol

Slow But Sure……….

Learning to drive teaches me heaps about my business world. As a left footer, my clutch control is second to none, worryingly (if only for my instructors insurance!), my breaking still leaves something to be desired. Today’s lesson was a great metaphor for the manner in which we choose to take the next step, in […]

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Rebecca Hartnell, Career Coach, Bristol


In My (mostly!), Humble Opinion, good businesses are built at the kitchen table…….So, my first blog on my own site   (previous ramblings at tumblr: ), and I’m intrigued watching the business relationships that are building before very my eyes. In the past the words “networking” or “business meeting” could easily make my heart sink as I conjured up […]

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