The term “ Career” had two meanings for me. “bring your mid-life, existential crisis here, to me” Graduating in 1994, I genuinely believed that I was set for a career for life … What this mistaken view led me to for a good while was the sort of “Career” that felt like careering out of […]
Apple — Time For a Second Professional Bite? The kids are back at school, and you can begin to breathe, right? So, is now the time for you to look at the apple and see if you deserve a second professional bite? . I know staying in situ with the family over the summer has […]
Back to school—Not just for kids, the beginning of the autumn term profoundly affects the energies of work and business. With much of the workforce taking annual leave at some point between July and September, major decisions will have been put on hold. Conversely, some major decisions will have been either swept under the carpet […]
“I want a new job, but I don’t know what.” Is THE phrase that indicates that you are my ideal client. . Those who have come to work with me over the past 15 years have all arrived saying the sentence above. And this is possibly because I know EXACTLY how that feels. My mum […]
How do you know it’s time for a new job? One of the signs that you’re not happy in your job is that you. — “Edit Yourself” That means you do not feel safe enough in your current role or organisation to be your authentic self. Being anyone else for an extended period of time […]
What’s the Difference Between Life and Career Coaching? If I’m honest with you, if we are to do a comprehensive job, I don’t think there IS much difference between life and career coaching. When people have come to me for life coaching, that has always included their careers. When people come to me for career […]